
  1. mohammad-k

    هل حانت لحظة اعتزال العملاق بوفون؟

    تتجه الأنظار اليوم إلى ملعب أليانز في تورينو بإيطاليا حيث يعقد جيانلويجي بوفون، حارس مرمى يوفنتوس ومنتخب إيطاليا الأسطوري، مؤتمرا صحفيا، من المتوقع أن يعلن فيه اعتزاله. وخلال الموسم الحالي، قاد بوفون (40 عاما) يوفنتوس إلى الفوز بلقب دوري الدرجة الأولى الإيطالي للمرة السابعة على التوالي وكأس...
  2. استثمار الفوركس

    التمس من منتدانا العملاق هذا ضروره حل مشكلتى

    السلام عليكم ابحث عن شي مهم جدا ولكننى لااجده بحثت مرارا وتكرارا بدون جدوى فاالتمس من منتدانا العملاق هذا ضروره حل مشكلتى اننى اعرف الاسكربت وليس الاكسبيرت الذى يغلق جميع الصفقات مره واحده ولكن هذا الاسكربت بيتم تنفيذه على منصه واحده الذى يعمل على المنصه ولكن اننى اريده ان يغلق الصفقات...
  3. G

    العملاق Baidu PC Faster لتسريع وحماية الحاسوب

    أهلا بكم زوار وأعضاء ومشرفين وإداريين أولا وقبل أن أبدأ ، آسف على الغياب الطويل اليوم يا أعزائي أقدم لكم العملاق Baidu PC Faster لتسريع الحاسوب وحمايته وتحصينه ، بالاضافة الى خاصيات أخرى سنراها مع البرنامج + مفاجأة نبدأ مع التحميل : مــن هــنــا حجم البرنامج : 1 MB رابط فحص البرنامج على...
  4. K

    المتصفح العملاق جوجل كروم بتحديثات جديدة Google Chrome 42.0.2311.90 Final

    Google Chrome 42.0.2311.90 Final Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Google Chrome also uses a brand new javas cript engine (V8), which is much faster than existing javas cript interpreters...
  5. K

    البرنامج العملاق لمشاهدة القنوات الفضائية ProgDVB Pro 7.08.8 Final

    ProgDVB Pro 7.08.8 Final ProgDVB - the universal and very power software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels! ProgDVB allows you to watch SAT-Television and listen to Radio channels directly from satellite by using DVB-PCI cards with hardware decoders on the board...
  6. K

    مشغل الفلاش العملاق Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player

    Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player is the high-performance, lightweight, highly expressive application runtime that provides uncompromised viewing of expressive applications, content, and videos across browsers, mobile phones, devices and operating systems. Deliver more...
  7. K

    البرنامج العملاق لقص وتحويل ودمج الفيديوهات Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 7.8.8

    Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 7.8.8 Build 20150402 Xilisoft Video Converter is easy, fast, reliable, and loaded with features. Besides capable of converting standard videos of all popular formats, it also supports the conversion from standard videos to 3D videos as well as the mode...
  8. K

    برنامج تشغيل المالتيميديا العملاق GOM Player 2.2.69 Build 5227 Final

    GOM Player 2.2.69 Build 5227 Final GOM Player - A fairly powerful multimedia player. It includes numerous features that ensure a high level of play. With GOM Player you can play even damaged or not completely downloaded / copied AVI files. GOM Player supports all modern video and...
  9. K

    المتصفح الأول عالميا فايرفوكس العملاق Mozilla Firefox 37.0 RC

    Mozilla Firefox 37.0 RC Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign...
  10. K

    ضاعف من سرعة جهازك ونظفه اول باول مع العملاق Windows Doctor

    Windows Doctor Windows Doctor is a top professional program on the security protection and system optimization of the Windows operating system. It thoroughly scans patch vulnerabilities, Startup items, plug-ins, services and processes, etc., in the system with its rapid and...
  11. K

    مشغل الفلاش العملاق Adobe Flash Player فى احدث اصدار

    Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player 16 is the high-performance, lightweight, highly expressive application runtime that provides uncompromised viewing of expressive applications, and videos across browsers, mobile phones, devices and operating systems. Deliver more...
  12. K

    البرنامج العملاق لسحب واستعادة تعريفات الجهاز DriverMax 7.52

    DriverMax 7.52 DriverMax - utility that allows to download the latest driver updates for your computer. In addition, DriverMax collects information about installed drivers in system and prints a list of devices that use them. Provides information about the driver version, date...
  13. K

    المتصفح الأول عالميا فايرفوكس العملاق Mozilla Firefox 36.0.1 Final

    Mozilla Firefox 36.0.1 Final Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of...
  14. K

    البرنامج العملاق لحرق الاسطوانات وعمل الاسطوانات الوهمية PowerISO 6.2

    PowerISO 6.2 PowerISO is a powerful image processing and file compression tool, which allows you to create, extract, compress, edit and convert ISO/BIN image files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. And most of all, the compressed files can be used directly without...
  15. K

    برنامج ضغط و فك ضغط الملفات العملاق WinRAR 5.21 Final في اخر اصداره

    WinRAR 5.21 Final WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR...
  16. K

    شاهد الكره الارضيه وانت فى مكانك مع العملاق EarthView 4.6.0

    EarthView 4.6.0 DeskSoft EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays beautiful views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces colorful, high quality, high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 2560x1600! The...
  17. K

    اسطوانة الطوارئ والانقاذ العملاق Avira AntiVir Rescue System 23.02.2015

    Avira AntiVir Rescue System CD 23.02.2015 The Avira AntiVir Rescue System scans and repairs malware-infected computers that no longer boot or are generally unresponsive. Running on both Windows and Linux operating systems, our integrated scan and repair Wizard is highly intuitive...
  18. K

    برنامج العملاق ازاله الفيروسات وملفات التجسس McAfee Stinger

    McAfee Stinger McAfee Stinger detects and removes prevalent Fake Alert malware and threats identified in the “List Virusesâ€‌ section of the Stinger application. While not a replacement for full fledged antivirus software, McAfee Stinger is updated multiple times a...
  19. K

    افضل برنامج تسريع النت بلا منازع العملاق الالمانى cFosSpeed 10.04 Build 2195

    cFosSpeed 10.04 Build 2195 cFosSpeed - is a universal program, which is a network driver, which is joined to the existing Internet connection and optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping. Traffic Shaping - a method for optimizing the Internet traffic, providing the...
  20. K

    المتصفح العملاق جوجل كروم Google Chrome 40.0.2214.111 Final

    Google Chrome 40.0.2214.111 Final Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Google Chrome also uses a brand new javas cript engine (V8), which is much faster than existing javas cript...